A Community of Women

So much has changed in my life since that awful night when I looked at Joe's phone and learned he was seeing another woman. I was a mess for a long time, but I survived and so did our marriage.

Things are different for us in a lot of ways. Joe doesn’t always tell me the things I want to hear like he used to. Now he tells me the truth. Sometimes I don’t like what he has to say, but his willingness to be honest makes me feel safe. I would rather hear it from him than find myself back in those crazy days, obsessively combing through his technology.

God healed me. I learned to trust Him when I couldn’t trust Joe. He led me to a group of women who listened and understood my pain. Through those ladies I learned that God had a plan for me and I was going to be okay regardless of Joe's choices.

If you find yourself lost in the nightmare of infidelity, find a community of women who can support you . They will help you see that it is not your fault and you are not crazy. A community of women who understand your trauma will support your journey into the new life God has for you. 
