I'm Hilarie and I am so sorry you are on this journey. I've been where you are. I cried and screamed at the horrors of discovering my spouse's betrayal. I rode the emotional roller coaster as the list of lies about his past over shadowed every happy memory.

In those painful, lonely nights I tried to make sense of it all through writing. I poured words onto the pages, and began to hear God’s voice and it comforted me. As my faith grew, God provided clarity. My husband wanted to get well, and he needed my help.With God’s truth and a loving acceptance of each other’s weaknesses, we created a new marriage.

It’s been 5 years and although I can't go back to that earlier time of innocence, I have a new life. My marriage survived.  Now we lead support groups, hoping to bless others with the healing we've found. The Lord had a plan to use my sorrow for good. He has a plan for you as well.

I pray that my writing gives you hope.

Hilarie Barry

Founder of Infidelity Care for Betrayed Women
Support ministry located in Central Ohio
hilarienbarry@gmail.com for information 

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