Flip the Switch Back to Normal
Is it just me or did you think D-day (day of discovery) would flip a switch for your spouse’s behavior? When you picked up his phone, looked at his computer or caught him in the act and then confronted him, didn’t you believe the betrayal would just stop? When you get caught doing something wrong, you stop doing it, right? Six days after D-day, when I had moved ever so slightly from a place of horrified shock into something not much better, I really believed it would all be over soon. I had knocked some sense into my husband. He said he would do whatever it took to save our marriage. He said I was more important; our marriage was more important. Done! The switch was flipped back to normal. Soon the nightmare would be over, and I would return to my beautiful life. Sadly, that it doesn’t work that way. Sexual brokenness has no on/off switch. There is no “return to normal”. Things will get better, but it will take time and the healing journey definitely does not follow a straight pat...