
Showing posts from June, 2019

Banish Painful Images

This morning I woke with ‘ those’ images playing in my mind. You know the ones I mean—the horrifying reruns of your husband with another woman. I quickly stopped the tape and brought my thoughts under control. There is no way I wanted to go back to that place of pain. Why do we do that? When faced with infidelity, why does our mind continuously replay images and scenes that hurt us? And even more importantly, how do we stop them? WHY When you learn of your husband’s pornography usage, online relationships, affair or other form of sexual betrayal you are shocked. Your perception of the man you married battles with the ugly truth. You can’t believe your husband has become an unrecognizable monster. You want to make sense of the warring confusion. You can’t help it. Using the details, real or imagined, you create explicit mind movies of your husband’s secret life and it breaks your heart. Or was it just me? Am I the only one who did that? I couldn’t seem to stop. I convin...