Raising the Bar for Honesty
My husband's lip quivered. “I have something to tell you.” Over the past five years, that phrase has put me on high alert many times. My stomach drops, my heart races and I brace myself for the onslaught of emotion Joe’s words of truth-telling are sure to bring. I readied myself for his admission. “I thought about contacting a woman for validation, but I didn’t." Joe assured me. "I don’t want to be that man anymore. I am coming to you instead.” I took a breath and checked in with myself. My heart quieted. My breathing calmed. I was okay. Joe continued, and I listened with an ear tuned to the message he needed to share. He felt criticism coming from me lately. It reignited feelings of inadequacy and being a disappointment. In the past, these feelings would have caused him to turn to others for comfort and distraction from the pain. This time God was stronger. Joe was stronger. This time, Joe came to me, knowing I would provide the love and validation he neede...