What would you like to have happen in your life?

A journal entry from January 1, 2016  

     Melody Beattie asks that question in Language of Letting Go.  What would I like to have happen in my life?  Hmmmmm!   I would like to feel more in tuned with God’s plan.  I know that God’s plan is good and I also know that when I think I am in charge, I have to work a lot harder.  I worry more, I feel more responsible and if things don’t go the way I think they should, I feel badly about myself.  On the flip side, when I remember that God has a plan I am more balanced.  That's it.  I want to find balance.  I want to put down the negatives of what I have learned about Joe's past and just go with what God has given me today, right now in this moment.  God has worked so much good in my life.  He has turned my wailing into dancing. (Psalm 30:11)  I am able to be joyful again.  Sometimes it is tentative as if I am hedging my bets, but it is joy.  I want more of that. 

     Like Peter, I want to get out of the boat. Only I don’t want to get out of the boat slowly and carefully, with one foot dragging behind just in case.  I want to leap out of that boat with both feet.  I want to leap with joy into this new life that God has given me.  I don't want to be afraid of the water or the waves.  I want to hop, skip and dance on the water, with my eyes on Jesus and this amazing new life he is creating just for me.  I have an awesome life again.  And it's even better than my old one because I am not in charge. 

     There is always a plan that is bigger than anything we could ever figure out on our own.  If we listen carefully God will tell us or show us what path to take. So what I really want this year is for God’s will to be done, in me.  I want to get better at trusting God and at discerning what it is that God would have me do.  

     Have I answered my own question?  What would I like to have happen in my life this year?  I would like to find a joyful balance that leads me to more peace.  I don’t want to live in a battle with Satan.  I want to walk with Christ in my heart.  I want to have a mind for Christ and follow God’s leadings. 

     On a more specific note, I want to figure out how to share my writing. My hope with my writing, is that it might help someone understand that they can love their husband even when he has betrayed them. If they can love their husband through his healing process they might actually end up with the man they thought they had been married to all along.  They might save their marriage and have it become the best marriage ever.  

     But even more importantly, I want my writing to show women that a relationship with God can pull them out of the depths of despair and fear.  For me, it was the only way that I was ever going find peace.  I was going crazy until I was able to turn it over.  When I let God lead me, I began to heal.  I want that for other women.  I want to share what I have written if it will help someone else.  I will trust God to help me make that happen if it is meant to be. 
